
How to increase sales of your e-commerce, practical strategy

You have designed your online store, invested a lot and worked hard to create it. You have created promotions, you have sold products and services through your e-commerce for a while, but with few or no results.

Let's see how to increase your e-commerce sales, I'll show you how to identify common problems that prevent you from earning more. And, more importantly, how to apply effective solutions to achieve great results, thanks to sales deriving from organic search engine traffic.

Problem n.1: you are not updating your keywords enough

You probably already know the importance of keywords, to position yourself in the top positions of search engines, and increase organic traffic to your e-commerce store. Everything, from the title tags to the product description, is important to optimize every part of the SEO of your pages:

Title Tag

A tag title specifies the name of the web page in HTML format. If the tag title does not use the product name, primary keywords o modifiers, visitors will probably bounce the page. THE modifiers are words that a user can type to specify their search context.

Keywords like:

  • quote
  • Guests Book
  • Cheap
  • sale
  • Easy-to-use
  • 30% discount

So, if your tag title is "classical guitar", we recommend adding modifiers such as economic, top, 10% discount o custom for search queries like The best classic cheap chiatarra o Special guitar on offer.

Improve the title of your pages, to improve traffic to your site and increase your e-commerce sales.

Meta Description

A meta description simply describes the page and the e-commerce store, or your website in more detail. It is a good idea to process the modifiers you used in your tag title here.

Try reading the descriptions of the same example, and you'll notice that the descriptions better develop the title:

Note how the meta description attracts the user with keywords such as:

  • best
  • convinced
  • famous brand
  • best guitar
  • wave

This is exactly what you want to generate, a higher clickthrough rate: a simple but effective description of your product and the services you offer. Remember that now you have thousands of words to play with, to improve your site's traffic, and increase your e-commerce sales.

Alt Tags

Let's take a look at the following image:

the "alt = Camp 2011 logo" part is called the alt tag. Provides a textual alternative to the image and describes the image. It ranks higher in search engine results as search engine crawlers, like Googlebot, are unable to actually interpret images. Then, they interpret the alt text associated with the images.

Also, do you know Google Images? This tool is widely used, and if you do not put alt tags on images, it happens that the image is not classified by Google Images. This means less traffic on your website. Now you know another way to improve traffic and increase your e-commerce sales.

Now that we know how important alt tags are, let's see how to write one:

Take the following image:

What could be the optimal alt tag for this image?

For example: alt = black t-shirt, is too vague.

Or, alt = black t-shirt, women's t-shirt, black V-neck t-shirt, black v-neck t-shirt, women's black V-neck t-shirt

Too many keywords, ie filling in keywords, spam in search engines, so it's not good.

The ideal would be a middle way: alt = women's t-shirt with a black v-neckline

This alt tag includes all the primary keywords of the image.

Rule n.1: Write extended form content

Pages with long content will have a better ranking on Google than pages that contain less than 1.500 words. The graph you can find on quicksprout proves it

This graph shows for each position of the google SERP, the average length (in words) of the posts published on the pages in the ranking. The longer your content is, the more likely an external website is to link back to your article, this is why. The greater the number of words on a page, the greater the possibility of social sharing, therefore the greater the likelihood of ranking up.

In fact, another study conducted by quicksprout, showed the correlation between "long form content and tweets" and "I like Facebook":

In short, you invest time in writing consistent content, information and product descriptions, and services offered by your e-commerce store.

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Rule n.2: focus on long-tail keywords

Long-tailed keywords are very specific keywords that are linked together as a sentence. For example "Isothermal container for transporting ice cream". The more targeted the keywords are, the more likely they are to attract consumers who are also looking for targeted products or services.

So, if I had to classify only "Container" and search for this keyword on Google, I would see the following:

An e-commerce store that only sells "Containers" would have strong competition against 17.000.000's search results.

But if I look for a very specific, long-tailed keyword like "Isothermal container for transporting ice cream", we get the following:

52.000 are much less. Less competition with specific keywords means a greater chance of being on the front page and therefore a better position in the rankings.

In short, focus on long-tail keywords on the pages (products and categories), to position yourself high on search engine platforms, and increase your e-commerce sales.

Problem n.2: you don't have enough backlinks

There is a direct correlation between the website's SERP placement, and the number of links to the website. In other words, if there are many different types of domains that link to your website, your rankings improve.

It's not enough to have a website linking to your page 20 times. But if there are 20 different websites linking to your site, even just once, then you'll notice the difference. This is what emerged from research by Backlinko, summarized in the following graph:

As you can see, the total number of domains you link to your site connects directly to Google's high position. So how can you get more backlinks, besides writing authoritative content?

The best online marketing strategy for companies is the blogging. Even for online shops, the blogging strategy allows you to:

  • Building a network with potential buyers;
  • Position yourself as an authoritative figure of your brand;
  • Develop the backlink network;
  • And if your blog is re-blogged on other websites?, The backlink number explodes

You need to be sure of providing high quality and valuable content, just so you can build trust with your audience.

Build trust with your audience.

Readers will be able to tell right away if you're creating posts, just to make a sale. The visitor wants to read useful and honest information. Make sure you build lasting relationships with potential consumers.

According to a study conducted by Point Blank SEO, almost 400 visitors were generated from a single post published on the Moz blog:

Not only did it generate a lot of traffic, but 60-80 extra backlinks were obtained. Even 60-80 link for your e-commerce store for just a few hours of work.

Now imagine to double, triple, quadruple (and so on) that number when you consistently publish high quality and valuable posts.

For example, there is a free tool Moz's Open website Explorer, which allows you to find link building opportunities on equivalent sites or competitors online. The tool is free, and there is the possibility of paying a premium for page optimization options, scan controls and reports for better visibility on search engines.

The links are updated every hour, so you can follow the other websites continuously. When you type in a URL, you will see the following:

And further down a collection of backlinks that you can analyze:

Backlinks are essential to drive organic traffic to your website, and increase your e-commerce sales.

Ercole Palmeri:

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