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AR Market opens the doors of the Metaverse to startups, SMEs and corporate companies

The Italian startup AR Market launches, the innovative SaaS (Software as a Service) platform to create 360 ​​° Virtual Spaces.

AR Market lancia, the innovative platform SaaS (Software as a Service) to create 360° Virtual Spaces. Interactive and navigable environments that can be enriched with multimedia contents such as images, videos, logos, banners and other digital objects, and which allow companies and professionals to offer their customers unique and engaging experiences.

How do you enjoy an environment like this? «It depends on the needs of the company or the professional. The SaaS allows you to choose a pre-360° Spacedefifinished and customize it with your own content quickly and easily, at very low cost. Furthermore, we can create "full custom" virtual environments through 3D modeling, which is one of the strengths of our team, or reproduce real environments by scanning, capturing every single detail» explains Andrea Baldini, CEO and co-founder of AR Market.

The 360° Spaces are usable "multi-device" and suitable for all ages: the user can access through a VR viewer for a more immersive experience, or via his desktop or smartphone/tablet. AR Market specializes in creating gamified interactive experiences powered by immersive technologies Virtual and Augmented Reality, which enriches the real world with digital objects and information that overlap with reality.

Because we need a bridge to the Metaverse

According to recent research by Forbes Insights and Glassbox, the digital customer experience is now the number one goal for companies and professionals. 84% of executives say that providing customers with a valuable digital experience that sparks engagement and attracts or retains them is an important differentiator, essential for success and competitiveness in the market. However, the Metaverse, this parallel virtual world that we talk about so much, is still to be understood and from defifinish. Many companies would like to get into it but don't know how and their audience is not yet prepared.

AR Market's 360° Virtual Spaces represent a powerful yet simple and accessible tool for preparing for a future in Metaverse, both for companies and professionals and for their public. These spaces allow the transition from a static web experience to a dynamic and navigable one, usable by everyone even without the use of viewers. For example, in the ad-hoc 360° Virtual Space it will be possible to present or promote products, organize training courses, offer cultural and artistic events, etc., based on specific needs. Recently, AR Market has developed a 360° virtual environment for Rolling Stone Italia with the aim of making the exclusive location and contents presented at the 79th edition of the Venice Film Festival usable even remotely.

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A 55 billion dollar market

Everyone's talking about it: the Metaverse is the future of the Internet. And within three years the global AR/VR content market will be worth around $55 billion. Today we find ourselves in a situation comparable to that of the early 90s, at the beginning of the World Wide Web. In fact, the Metaverse as it definish experts and scholars in the sector does not yet exist: in the near future it is probable that the Net will no longer be made up of web pages but will be composed of three-dimensional, immersive, interconnected and interoperable places.

Today the Metaverse is in the making: a “land” in this virtual world, purchased to sell experiences or advertise brands, can cost millions of euros and is a very demanding investment.

«It is estimated that by 2026, users of AR and VR content will be around 2,4 billion. Thanks to our team of Creatives, 3D Artists, Graphic Designers, illustrators and programmers we are ready to help companies to satisfy the needs of these users. We believe this is the future and we will also invest in the course of 2023 to create a volumetric shooting studio in Rome. A farm where you can transform reality into VR or AR content quickly and easily, creating avatars, scanning real products to digitize them, designing streaming events and much more »concludes the CEO.


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